[Tutorial] How to use WhatsApp on more than one PC via ZapBox



Is it possible to have WhatsApp on more than one PC via ZapBox?

WhatsApp Web, which already was the most used tool for customer services, became an obligation to almost every company today, mainly in its specific version to this kind of services, WhatsApp Business.

How to let this tool even more productive and make the customer service more agile?

The fact is that the app doesn’t allow using the WhatsApp Business on more than one PC, but it doesn’t means that there is no way for having this convenience to your company.

ZapBox is the ideal tool for you to manage only one WhatsApp Business account on more than one different PC.

With ZapBox is possible to have your sales or service team to keep in contact with your customers using the same WhatsApp Business account on different computers.

Besides that, the platform has some other features that will make your customer services more customized.

Do you want to know how ZapBox works? Let’s take a tour by its features

Multiple attendants on WhatsApp on more than one PC

As said before, ZapBox allows you to use WhatsApp Business on more than one PC.

In other words, you will have multiple attendants in contact with your clients by the same phone number.

This makes the public communication more centralized, and it makes it possible for nor needing many WhatsApp phone numbers.

It is possible to have privacy when using WhatsApp Business

With this function, one attendant can have a private attendance. In this way, the other attendants will not visualize the chat.

You can be the WhatsApp Manager Operator on more than one PC

The platform allows you to have the Operator Manager status, by this way you will be able to access all the chats.

Besides that, you will have extra features that will help you manage the operators, becoming faster and dynamic.

Filter and Tag WhatsApp attendance on a PC

ZapBox allows you to tag your attendances, making customer services more agile.

In the same way that is possible to filter the chats using these tags.

 WhatsApp Attendance transfer to another attendant

One attendant can transfer the attendance to another one. In this way, the contact flow is more dynamic.

Schedule WhatsApp Business messages

You can schedule messages whenever you want, the platform will help you to not accumulate work.

Internal WhatsApp Business Chat among attendants on more than one PC

You and your team can freely chat with each other using the internal chat that ZapBox provides.

Instant messages on WhatsApp Business

You can create automatic messages quickly and easily.

This tool is essential to answer some frequent questions, in that way the clients won’t have to wait long.

Once know that, thanks to ZapBox and its features, it is possible to have WhatsApp Business on more than one PC, what about a free trial of 3 days?

Singing up in our platform is very easy, you only need to follow the step-by-step below:

1 – Access Zapbox and click on “Try right now”

2 – Subscribe with the requested information. Ah, don’t forget to accept the privacy terms!

3 – once you are subscribed to the platform, ZapBox generates a QR code that you must scan with your WhatsApp scanner.

Done! Registration concluded! Now it’s time to use the best that ZapBox has to offer you, your team, and your public!

You won’t have an experience like that on another platform. With ZapBox, you can optimize a lot the use of WhatsApp Business in your company. Try it right now!

Don’t forget to follow the other content of the blog.

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