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Octadesk, how does it work? Is it expensive? Find out now!

Octadesk, how does it work? Is it expensive? Find out now! 1

The platform Saas of Octadesk works for customer service. Its main characteristic is that the service is effective, direct, and simple.

Through several integrated systems in one, it is possible to enter a significant quality, increasing, even more, the acquisition of customers and enhance the service, as well as clarifying their doubts and optimizing the time of those who make their use.

In this article, we will review the Octadesk platform, and what are the advantages for those who will acquire this tool.

What is Octadesk?

Octadesk, how does it work? Is it expensive? Find out now! 2

If you have a company and your goal is to provide service of quality for your customers, this software is for you!

This is a Brazilian platform widely used in the market, where it brings efficiency, simplicity, and speed in service.

It’s a great platform for sales and marketing teams because, through it, good results can be achieved with the least possible effort.

What are the main benefits of Octadesk?

Besides optimizing the service time of your customers, it has some positive points to make a big difference compared to its competitors, such as:

●  Instant access: there’s no need to install any software, you log in on Octadesk directly from your default browser.

●  Quick and easy configuration: create your account easily, in a simple way, and without needing to follow many steps.

●      Simplified use: all interfaces of the system facilitate its use, being intuitive and clear for you to create the account easily.

Octadesk log in, how to do it?

Creating your account on the platform is simple. You will need to add some information like the name of your company, the number of employees, e-mail, and telephone.

As mentioned before, the system interface is very intuitive. You won’t have any difficulty creating your account.

Why create an account on the platform?

When your account is created, you start to qualify your company even more. Your leads will be captured more opportune, bringing qualification to your service.

Moreover, your sales will be engaged because the purchase process will be facilitated to your leads.

Still more, to streamline your customer service, you transmit a customized experience, bringing more credibility to your customer through conversation.

It’s also possible to have access to support 24 hours a day. This way, your clients will have access to some answers automatically generated by chatbots, which will clarify the doubts and transfer them to a customer service agent.

You can count on efficiency when the problems are exposed. Your contact channels like telephone and e-mail will be interconnected, centralizing the data in one place.

You will be able to offer your customers content that facilitates understanding through questions taken by articles within a library, making self-service easier.

Octadesk on WhatsApp, does it work?

When integrating your WhatsApp on Octadesk, your service will be improved, since business opportunities will be increased, causing your sales to be leveraged.

You can centralize your service in just one number, bringing more organization to your team and boosting your sales.

Through this integration, the conversion rate will be increased. It’s very possible that acquiring customers will be bigger, making your customer service accessible 24/7.

Besides these facilities, you will be able to offer customized service for each customer, creating great experiences and making more loyal customers. Do this integration and observe the lead capture increase.

How much does it cost to acquire Octadesk?

The Octadesk tool works with the subscription model. There are 4 types of signatures nowadays, which are divided into Lake, River, Sea, and Ocean.

Light – For companies that want to organize their tickets and chats:

●  Tickets management;

●  Chat for websites;

●  Integration with Facebook;

●  Knowledge base;

●  Basic automation;

●  Dashboards and reports;

●  1 user included, for extra users: BRL 39.00/month

●  Monthly price: BRL 99.00/month, with monthly payment.

●  Half-yearly price: BRL 89.00/month, with semiannual payment;

●      Annual price: BRL 79.00/month, with annual payment.

River – For companies that need an automated solution for their tickets and chats:

●  Tickets management;

●  Chat for websites;

●  Integration with Facebook;

●  Knowledge base;

●  Basic automation;

●  Dashboards and reports;

●  Customized automatons;

●  Chatbots;

●  Integration with WhatsApp;

●  1 user included, for extra users: BRL 99.00/month

●  Monthly price: BRL 399.00/month, with monthly payment.

●  Half-yearly price: BRL 359.00/month, with semiannual payment;

●      Annual price: BRL 309.00/month, with annual payment.

Sea – For companies looking to scale their operations with advanced automation:

●  Tickets management;

●  Chat for websites;

●  Integration with Facebook;

●  Knowledge base;

●  Basic automation;

●  Dashboards and reports;

●  Customized automatons;

●  Chatbots;

●  Integration with WhatsApp;

●  Integration for chatbots;

●  2 hours of initial consultancy;

●  1 user included, for extra users: BRL 179.00/month

●  Monthly price: BRL 799.00/month, with monthly payment.

●  Half-yearly price: BRL 709.00/month, with semiannual payment;

●      Annual price: BRL 619.00/month, with annual payment.

Ocean – For companies that already work on a large scale and are looking for advanced optimizations:

●  Tickets management;

●  Chat for websites;

●  Integration with Facebook;

●  Knowledge base;

●  Basic automation;

●  Dashboards and reports;

●  Customized automatons;

●  Chatbots;

●  Integration with WhatsApp;

●  Integration for chatbots;

●  2 hours of initial consultancy;

●  Proactive notifications (Hsms) via WhatsApp Business API;

●  Weekly follow-up;

●  Priority support;

●  1 user included, for extra users: BRL 179.00/month

●  Monthly price: BRL 799.00/month, with monthly payment.

●  Half-yearly price: BRL 709.00/month, with semiannual payment;

●      Annual price: BRL 619.00/month, with annual payment.

Octadesk Reclame Aqui, does it have complaints?

The platform is very safe and complete. There are some complaints, like any other software, of users as issues of support and service, but the system does not leave to be desired!

All users’ questions are solved, as well as the attendances.

Is it worth acquiring Octadesk?

Octadesk it’s a tool for saving time, and enhance your productivity, avoid wasting time during customer service.

The plans are not so affordable in comparison to other tools, such as zap facil, however, depending on your goal, this is not the most expensive tool.

That’s why searching and understanding Octadesk is very important for you to choose the most adequate tool for your business.

In this way, Octadesk is worth it, if you already have recurrent sales and constant attendance, and you don’t want to take the risk with cheaper tools.

Also, check the take blip review, and compare the features of each tool.

Did you like this review about Octadesk? Do you believe it would be the ideal choice for your business? Leave a comment and share your opinion with us.

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