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7 Customer Service Techniques to end your doubts

7 Customer Service Techniques to end your doubts 1

Working with customer service is complex because the human being has a different mood, which requires skills from who is attending, however, some customer services techniques will make you more convinced when approaching a customer.

Many entrepreneurs focus on the sale moment and end up forgetting all the previous steps, the attendance. A company only exists because of its customers, and they need to be treated well.

In this post, we are going to reveal 7 customer service techniques for you to make your customers even more loyal.

How to better understand your customers

7 Customer Service Techniques to end your doubts 2

In order to perform a good attendance, the attendant needs to have the customer’s profile in mind, it will make the approach easier, being it passive or active.

Even though it’s not possible to guess how each customer will behave, some behaviors can be categorized and used to profile.

Most of the customers are divided into 4 different groups, which are:

Supportive or kind

This type of customer values people a lot, they prefer a calm atmosphere, and he/she is more passive.

Analytical. It can be a little emotional or passive but is caring and kind.


This category is for those detail-oriented customers, who like to talk about the products or services features, it can be more bureaucratic, and enjoys the process. That’s why this kind of customer asks so many questions.

Showing numbers, data and technical explanations will help them to be convinced because this customer needs to feel very safe about what he/she is buying.


This one like to tell stories, this customer is very talkative and has an innovative mindset, however, it’s a little bit difficult to be focused and put all his/her thought into practice.

Dominant or Expressive

This is the objective kind, which goes straight to the point, without beating around the bush, he/she appreciate results, but it may sound a little dominating when interacting.

Techniques for a good customer service

1 – Presentation

I don’t know if you know, as they say around, the first impression sticks, so demonstrate that you are available to help in whatever it’s needed.  Knowing how to communicate is important to make a good impression, and consequently to have a good presentation.

2 – Study

Before any kind of approach, it is important to study your customer, if it’s in attendance that the customer starts the contact, it will be necessary to map the company’s persona.

In case that is necessary to meet the customer, check the customer’s social networks, check his/her opinions, based on that, you have information to use in your communication. The study is one of the main customer service techniques.

3 – Listen

A sale is more listening than talking, that’s why you need to understand the most what your customer is trying to say, all this information will help you to find a solution for your customer. Besides demonstrating that you care about your customer, he/she will feel safer during the attendance.

Ask your customer questions that he/she will be able to explain his/her pains, having all this information in hand you will be able to help your customer the best way.

4 – Empathy

Empathy is essential when selling because you are in the customer’s shoes, and you can notice and evaluate if your attendance is going the right way.

Studying the persona will also help you to have empathy, because you will know many specific characteristics, and this will help you a lot when attending. The study is one of the main customer service techniques.

5 – Serve

Attending is serving, you and your team need to be motivated to serve your customers, do whatever it takes to perform the customer’s demand, be helpful, this makes you more experienced to the customer

A well-performed and helpful attendance can intensify your sales, and make your customers loyal to you because everybody likes to be well-treated, right?

6 – “Buy” the product

If you are not “buying” your product, your customer will suspect your attendance. You need to believe in the product that you sell, otherwise, the customer will notice insecurity in your body language, making your customer give up on the purchase.

7 – Be honest

Honesty is everything in sales. Sellers don’t have a good reputation for their customers. For being commissioned, some people think that the sellers are talking about good things about their products because of the commission.

Being honest will add credits to people, even if they don’t buy from you at the first moment, they can return because of the good attendance and honesty.

Good attendance to a customer can generate good fruits to your business, both for short-term to long-term. However, it’s necessary to apply these customer services techniques to the hilt, so you can succeed in your attendance.

Also, learn about the NPS technique, and enhance your attendance.

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