If you were not on Earth in the past few years, there’s an app that has revolutionized the way that people communicate, its name is WhatsApp.
In 20218, WhatsApp released its new version: WhatsApp Business, a commercial version of the messenger, that gained a lot of users in a short time.
We are going to find out everything about how does WhatsApp Business work in this post: what it is, where it lives, and what it eats.
Whats is the difference between WhatsApp Business and the standard WhatsApp?
In the commercial version of the messenger, there’s a lot of possibilities that the traditional one doesn’t have.
The main difference is that WhatsApp Business is focused on companies.
If you are a service provider, entrepreneur, or have a store or any kind of business, you can communicate with the business version.
Now let’s understand how does WhatsApp Business works and also about its tools
The tags are the best tools on the business version, you can tag your chats, keeping your conversation more organized.
You can filter your chats using tags, which can help you to find your customers easily, mainly if your business is highly demanded.
Automated messages
If you already made any kind of attendance via WhatsApp, you have realized that much of the information is very similar. Using WhatsApp Business, you can automate these messages.
You can create 3 messages categories: quick response, away message, and greeting message.
Quick response message
In this message, you have the possibility of choosing a shortcut to have your full message shown on your screen. It’s a good option for those frequently asked questions about your products, and it will make it easier for you, and save your time.
Greeting message
This message is sent when someone starts a conversation via WhatsApp for the first time, or after 14 days without being in contact with you.
Away message
With this message, you can schedule a massage when you cannot answer, being in your working hours or not, or when you are out of the office.
Products catalog
Products catalog is an available tool to inform everything about your business products and services. You can catalog them in your profile description and inform prices as well.
This will save a lot of time for your attendance, most of the time, the public only wants to know the price of one product or service. With the catalog, you don’t need to send any messages if you don’t want to.
There’s also the possibility of sharing your contact via attachment, in case that someone requests the price of your products or services.
Profile location
If your business is a local company, you can keep your location fixed on your profile, this will help your customers to find your business quickly. It’s a great trick for restaurants.
It’s not worth having a lot of attendance if you cannot measure these accumulated data during your attendance.
That’s why WhatsApp Business allows you to analyze some messages metrics.
Simple metrics are those that can make you identify sent messages, delivered messages, read messages, and received messages.
That’s why it’s important to know how does WhatsApp Business work.
How does WhatsApp Business work? Is it paid?
Although WhatsApp Business has a lot of advantages for entrepreneurs, services providers, and local companies, it is free for companies, without any financial compensation.
Does WhatsApp Business work with a landline number?
Even though WhatsApp was specific developed for cell phones, it’s possible to create an account using your landline number. If you have a local business, such as a restaurant, hair salon, etc.
When creating your account, you can redirect your code to be sent via phone call, instead of SMS.
● When running the app and start the creating of your account, click on “Agree and continue”.
● WhatsApp will suggest using the number that is on the chip of your phone. Click on “use another number”, at the end of the screen;
● Type the landline number that you want to register, select the country on the list, add the Brazilian code +55. Type your phone number, with code area.
● Click on OK to have the code sent;
● WhatsApp Business will inform your that is not possible to send an SMS. Click on “OK” and then, on “call me”;
● You will receive an electronic phone call on your landline number, informing your confirmation code;
● Type de code that you received, complete your registration, fill your company data out, and it’s done, you can now use WhatsApp with your landline number.
WhatsApp Business verified profile
According to WhatsApp, there are two categories of the business account, a standard business account, that it is only necessary to download the app, and you can have the access to it. The official commercial account, an account with a verified badge.
This badge is only available for those well-known companies because it’s not possible for the standard business to request to be verified yet.
Okay, now you are up to date on how does WhatsApp Business work
Now that you saw how marvelous WhatsApp Business can be to your business, if you want to go deeper, know how to use WhatsApp Business on more than a PC.